Step 1 of 4: Choose Issues


T Patch Info Key Summary Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution Created Updated Due Development
Sub-task SUBMARINE-909

SUBMARINE-857 Add API to get the serve pod's status.

Jhan-Shuo Liu Jhan-Shuo Liu Major Open Unresolved  
Sub-task SUBMARINE-908

SUBMARINE-857 Add handling of non-existing model in model serve.

Jhan-Shuo Liu Jhan-Shuo Liu Major Open Unresolved  
Sub-task SUBMARINE-907

SUBMARINE-857 Remove hard-coded namespace from ServeRequest Spec

Jhan-Shuo Liu Byron Hsu Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task SUBMARINE-901

SUBMARINE-857 Tensorflow distributed training example with model management API

Liang-Chun, Chen Yuan-Chia, Chang Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task SUBMARINE-899

SUBMARINE-857 ServeModel API in submarine server

Byron Hsu Byron Hsu Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task SUBMARINE-869

SUBMARINE-857 Add distributive pytorch example

Liang-Chun, Chen Liang-Chun, Chen Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task SUBMARINE-868

SUBMARINE-857 Add save model to pysubmarine ModelsClient

Jhan-Shuo Liu Jhan-Shuo Liu Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task SUBMARINE-867

SUBMARINE-857 Image should be built locally in github-action.

Byron Hsu Byron Hsu Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task SUBMARINE-866

SUBMARINE-857 Add test mlflow mysql backend test

Unassigned Jhan-Shuo Liu Major Resolved Abandoned  
Sub-task SUBMARINE-865

SUBMARINE-857 Clean up deleted experiment in mlflow

Jhan-Shuo Liu Jhan-Shuo Liu Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task SUBMARINE-864

SUBMARINE-857 Support log_params and log_metrics

Yuan-Chia, Chang Byron Hsu Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task SUBMARINE-863

SUBMARINE-857 A time lag between the frontend and backend of MLflow

You Ting Wang Kai-Hsun Chen Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task SUBMARINE-861

SUBMARINE-857 Trim the size of pysubmarine

Liang-Chun, Chen Byron Hsu Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task SUBMARINE-860

SUBMARINE-857 Replace hard-coded IP address with DNS in Mlflow and minio service

Jhan-Shuo Liu Byron Hsu Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task SUBMARINE-859

SUBMARINE-857 Mlflow sqlite database should be replaced with mysql

Jhan-Shuo Liu Byron Hsu Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task SUBMARINE-858

SUBMARINE-857 Implement log_param and log_metric for distributed scenarios

Byron Hsu Byron Hsu Major Resolved Fixed  
