Step 1 of 4: Choose Issues


T Patch Info Key Summary Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution Created Updated Due Development
Sub-task OODT-713

OODT-678 Import initial CMS structure to OODT SVN

Lewis John McGibbney Lewis John McGibbney Trivial Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task OODT-712

OODT-678 Add a new "Get started" guide referencing RADiX download (or Vagrant)

Lewis John McGibbney Rishi Verma Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task OODT-711

OODT-678 Populate selected prototype with XDoc and current OODT website data

Unassigned Rishi Verma Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task OODT-710

OODT-678 Prototype theme(s) for proposed new Apache OODT CMS

Rishi Verma Rishi Verma Major Resolved Fixed  
