Step 1 of 4: Choose Issues


T Patch Info Key Summary Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution Created Updated Due Development
Sub-task HUDI-8746

HUDI-8717 Spark using file group reader to support multi-base file format

Unassigned Y Ethan Guo Blocker Open Unresolved  
Sub-task HUDI-8661

HUDI-8717 Support log compaction in HoodieSparkFileGroupReaderBasedMergeHandle

Unassigned Y Ethan Guo Blocker Open Unresolved  
Sub-task HUDI-8656

HUDI-8717 Re-enable position-based merging by default

Unassigned Y Ethan Guo Blocker Open Unresolved  
Sub-task HUDI-8654

HUDI-8717 Support correct merging results with record positions in log blocks generated during pending compaction

Unassigned Y Ethan Guo Blocker Open Unresolved  
Sub-task HUDI-8634

HUDI-8717 Support schema on read in file group reader-based compaction

Unassigned Y Ethan Guo Blocker Open Unresolved  
Sub-task HUDI-8632

HUDI-8717 Support bootstrap files in file group reader-based compaction

Y Ethan Guo Y Ethan Guo Blocker In Progress Unresolved  
Sub-task HUDI-8553

HUDI-8717 Spark SQL UPDATE and DELETE should write record positions

Unassigned Y Ethan Guo Blocker Open Unresolved  
