Step 1 of 4: Choose Issues


T Patch Info Key Summary Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution Created Updated Due Development
Sub-task HUDI-6330

HUDI-4373 Update user document to introduce this feature

Jing Zhang Jing Zhang Major Closed Fixed  
Sub-task HUDI-6329

HUDI-4373 Introduce UpdateStrategy for Flink to handle conflict between clustering/resize with update

Unassigned Jing Zhang Major Closed Fixed  
Sub-task HUDI-6328

HUDI-4373 Flink support generate resize plan for consistent bucket index

Jing Zhang Jing Zhang Major Closed Fixed  
Sub-task HUDI-6327

HUDI-4373 Flink bulk_insert support consistent bucket index

Unassigned Jing Zhang Major Open Unresolved  
Sub-task HUDI-6326

HUDI-4373 Flink write supports consistent bucket index

Unassigned Jing Zhang Major Closed Fixed  
