Step 1 of 4: Choose Issues


T Patch Info Key Summary Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution Created Updated Due Development
Sub-task HIVE-17227

HIVE-16865 Incremental replication load should create tasks in execution phase rather than semantic phase

Anishek Agarwal Anishek Agarwal Major Closed Duplicate  
Sub-task HIVE-16921

HIVE-16865 ability to trace the task tree created during repl load from logs

Anishek Agarwal Anishek Agarwal Major Open Unresolved  
Sub-task HIVE-16904

HIVE-16865 during repl load for large number of partitions the metadata file can be huge and can lead to out of memory

Anishek Agarwal Anishek Agarwal Major Open Unresolved  
Sub-task HIVE-16897

HIVE-16865 repl load does not lead to excessive memory consumption for multiple functions from same binary jar

Anishek Agarwal Anishek Agarwal Major Open Unresolved  
Sub-task HIVE-16896

HIVE-16865 move replication load related work in semantic analysis phase to execution phase using a task

Anishek Agarwal Anishek Agarwal Major Closed Fixed  
Sub-task HIVE-16895

HIVE-16865 Multi-threaded execution of bootstrap dump of partitions

Anishek Agarwal Anishek Agarwal Major Closed Fixed  
Sub-task HIVE-16894

HIVE-16865 Multi-threaded execution of bootstrap dump of tables / functions

Anishek Agarwal Anishek Agarwal Major Open Unresolved  
Sub-task HIVE-16893

HIVE-16865 move replication dump related work in semantic analysis phase to execution phase using a task

Anishek Agarwal Anishek Agarwal Major Closed Fixed  
Sub-task HIVE-16892

HIVE-16865 Move creation of _files from ReplCopyTask to analysis phase for boostrap replication

Anishek Agarwal Anishek Agarwal Major Closed Fixed  
