Step 1 of 4: Choose Issues


T Patch Info Key Summary Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution Created Updated Due Development
Sub-task FLINK-34093

FLINK-27075 RetryingRegistrationTest.testRetryConnectOnFailure failed

Unassigned Matthias Pohl Major Open Unresolved  
Sub-task FLINK-34040

FLINK-27075 ScalaSerializersMigrationTest.testStableAnonymousClassnameGeneration fails in GHA with JDK 17 and 21

Unassigned Matthias Pohl Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task FLINK-34036

FLINK-27075 Various HiveDialectQueryITCase tests fail in GitHub Actions workflow with Hadoop 3.1.3 enabled

Unassigned Matthias Pohl Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task FLINK-33816

FLINK-27075 SourceStreamTaskTest.testTriggeringStopWithSavepointWithDrain failed due async checkpoint triggering not being completed

jiabao.sun Matthias Pohl Major Closed Fixed  
Sub-task FLINK-33802

FLINK-27075 ActiveResourceManagerFactoryTest.testGetEffectiveConfigurationForResourceManagerCoarseGrained failed with 239 exit code

Unassigned Matthias Pohl Major Open Unresolved  
Sub-task FLINK-33774

FLINK-27075 StreamTaskSelectiveReadingTest.testReadFinishedInput(StreamTaskSelectiveReadingTest timed out

Unassigned Matthias Pohl Major Open Unresolved  
Sub-task FLINK-33772

FLINK-27075 Python e2e test fails with exit code 1

Unassigned Matthias Pohl Major Open Unresolved  
Sub-task FLINK-33658

FLINK-27075 Hosted runner lost communication

Unassigned Matthias Pohl Major Closed Duplicate  
Sub-task FLINK-33614

FLINK-27075 Docker pull failed

Unassigned Matthias Pohl Major Open Unresolved  
Sub-task FLINK-33586

FLINK-27075 Add GHA support in release-1.17 branch

Unassigned Matthias Pohl Major Closed Won't Fix  
Sub-task FLINK-33580

FLINK-27075 composite actions do not work in release branchs where GHA work wasn't backported

Unassigned Matthias Pohl Major Open Unresolved  
Sub-task FLINK-33554

FLINK-27075 SemiJoinITCase.testRewriteScalarQueryWithCorrelation3 failed due to heartbeat timeout

Unassigned Matthias Pohl Major Open Unresolved  
Sub-task FLINK-33553

FLINK-27075 FileUtilsTest.testDeleteDirectoryConcurrently failed (no progress/output)

Unassigned Matthias Pohl Major Open Unresolved  
Sub-task FLINK-33552

FLINK-27075 Job (and its data) is lost

Unassigned Matthias Pohl Major Open Unresolved  
Sub-task FLINK-33550

FLINK-27075 "DataSet allround end-to-end test" failed due to certificate error

Unassigned Matthias Pohl Major Resolved Later  
Sub-task FLINK-33540

FLINK-27075 Test CI on arm

Unassigned Matthias Pohl Major Open Unresolved  
Sub-task FLINK-33504

FLINK-27075 Supported maximum parallel jobs

Unassigned Matthias Pohl Major Open Unresolved  
Sub-task FLINK-33468

FLINK-27075 Run Kubernetes IT test fails due to wrong Maven version

Unassigned Matthias Pohl Major Closed Duplicate  
Sub-task FLINK-33464

FLINK-27075 JoinITCase.testRightOuterJoin failed due to heartbeat timeout

Unassigned Matthias Pohl Major Open Unresolved  
Sub-task FLINK-33438

FLINK-27075 HiveITCase.testHiveDialect and HiveITCase.testReadWriteHive are failing

Unassigned Matthias Pohl Major Closed Won't Fix  
Sub-task FLINK-33432

FLINK-27075 Build artifacts cannot be extracted smoothly

Unassigned Matthias Pohl Major Closed Won't Fix  
Sub-task FLINK-33418

FLINK-27075 SqlGatewayE2ECase failed due to ConnectException

Matthias Pohl Matthias Pohl Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task FLINK-33416

FLINK-27075 FineGrainedSlotManagerTest failed with fatal error

Unassigned Matthias Pohl Major Closed Duplicate  
Sub-task FLINK-33415

FLINK-27075 HAJobRunOnHadoopS3FileSystemITCase failed due to NoSuchMethodError

Matthias Pohl Matthias Pohl Major Resolved Done  
Sub-task FLINK-33285

FLINK-27075 e2e 1 stage: Wordcount on Docker test (custom fs plugin)

Unassigned Matthias Pohl Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task FLINK-33284

FLINK-27075 core stage: HistoryServerStaticFileServerHandlerTest.testRespondWithFile(Path)

Unassigned Matthias Pohl Major Closed Fixed  
Sub-task FLINK-33283

FLINK-27075 core stage: WebFrontendBootstrapTest.testHandlersMustBeLoaded

Unassigned Matthias Pohl Major Closed Cannot Reproduce  
Sub-task FLINK-33282

FLINK-27075 core stage: 137 exit code

Unassigned Matthias Pohl Major Resolved Duplicate  
Sub-task FLINK-33281

FLINK-27075 e2e 2 stage: PyFlink end-to-end test

Unassigned Matthias Pohl Major Closed Cannot Reproduce  
Sub-task FLINK-33280

FLINK-27075 tests stage: HybridShuffleITCase.testHybridSelectiveExchangesRestart due to timeout

Unassigned Matthias Pohl Major Closed Fixed  
Sub-task FLINK-33277

FLINK-27075 Upgrading to actions/checkout@v4 requires GLIBC 2.25, 2.27, or 2.28 to be installed, apparently

Unassigned Matthias Pohl Major Closed Duplicate  
Sub-task FLINK-33270

FLINK-27075 Think about installing Java instead of providing it through Docker

Unassigned Matthias Pohl Major Open Unresolved  
Sub-task FLINK-33258

FLINK-27075 Remove Kafka/Gelly module

Unassigned Matthias Pohl Major Closed Fixed  
Sub-task FLINK-33256

FLINK-27075 Fatal error due to dubious ownership in docs-404-check

Unassigned Matthias Pohl Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task FLINK-33254

FLINK-27075 Improve speed of compile step

Unassigned Matthias Pohl Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task FLINK-33253

FLINK-27075 fails: zip is missing in Docker image

Unassigned Matthias Pohl Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task FLINK-33252

FLINK-27075 LicenseChecker fails in GHA but succeeds in Azure

Matthias Pohl Matthias Pohl Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task FLINK-33247

FLINK-27075 IllegalArgumentException in NoticeFileChecker

Matthias Pohl Matthias Pohl Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task FLINK-33245

FLINK-27075 finegrained_resource_management module failed

Unassigned Matthias Pohl Major Closed Won't Fix  
Sub-task FLINK-33243

FLINK-27075 .scalafmt.conf cannot be found in Test packaging/licensing job

Matthias Pohl Matthias Pohl Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task FLINK-33242

FLINK-27075 misc module: YARN tests are flaky

Matthias Pohl Matthias Pohl Major Closed Cannot Reproduce  
Sub-task FLINK-27081

FLINK-27075 Remove Azure integration

Chesnay Schepler Chesnay Schepler Major Open Unresolved  
Sub-task FLINK-27080

FLINK-27075 Enable builds for pull requests

Chesnay Schepler Chesnay Schepler Major Open Unresolved  
Sub-task FLINK-27079

FLINK-27075 Setup cron jobs

Chesnay Schepler Chesnay Schepler Major Open Unresolved  
Sub-task FLINK-27077

FLINK-27075 Setup per-commit builds

Chesnay Schepler Chesnay Schepler Major Open Unresolved  
Sub-task FLINK-27076

FLINK-27075 Setup runners

Chesnay Schepler Chesnay Schepler Major Open Unresolved  
