Step 1 of 4: Choose Issues


T Patch Info Key Summary Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution Created Updated Due Development
Sub-task DERBY-2423

DERBY-141 Embedded and client differ on ResultSetMetaData.isCurrency() value for DECIMAL and NUMERIC columns

Dyre Tjeldvoll Katherine Marsden Minor Closed Fixed  
Sub-task DERBY-144

DERBY-141 ResultSetMetaData.isReadOnly() also returns wrong results

Unassigned Thomas Fox Major Closed Duplicate  
Sub-task DERBY-143

DERBY-141 ResultSetMetaData.isReadOnly() also returns wrong results

Unassigned Thomas Fox Major Closed Duplicate  
Sub-task DERBY-142

DERBY-141 ResultSetMetaData.isReadOnly() also returns wrong results

Unassigned Thomas Fox Major Open Unresolved  
