Step 1 of 4: Choose Issues


T Patch Info Key Summary Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution Created Updated Due Development
Sub-task CB-6561

CB-6551 add pacakge.json to cordova-tizen

Steve Gill Steve Gill Major Closed Fixed  
Sub-task CB-6560

CB-6551 add pacakge.json to cordova-osx

Steve Gill Steve Gill Major Closed Fixed  
Sub-task CB-6559

CB-6551 add package.json to cordova-ubuntu

Steve Gill Steve Gill Major Closed Fixed  
Sub-task CB-6558

CB-6551 Add package.json to cordova-wp8, cordova-wp7

Steve Gill Steve Gill Major Closed Fixed  
Sub-task CB-6557

CB-6551 Add package.json to cordova-windows

Steve Gill Steve Gill Major Closed Fixed  
Sub-task CB-6556

CB-6551 Add package.json to cordova-amazon-fireos

Steve Gill Steve Gill Major Closed Fixed  
Sub-task CB-6555

CB-6551 Add package.json to cordova-firefoxos

Steve Gill Steve Gill Major Closed Fixed  
Sub-task CB-6554

CB-6551 Add package.json to cordova-blackberry

Steve Gill Steve Gill Major Closed Fixed  
Sub-task CB-6553

CB-6551 Add package.json to cordova-ios

Steve Gill Steve Gill Major Closed Fixed  
Sub-task CB-6552

CB-6551 Add package.json to cordova-android

Steve Gill Steve Gill Major Closed Fixed  
