Step 1 of 4: Choose Issues


T Patch Info Key Summary Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution Created Updated Due Development
Sub-task CB-4781

CB-4776 Add update script to Windows Phone

Jesse MacFadyen Andrew Grieve Major Closed Invalid  
Sub-task CB-4780

CB-4776 Add update script to BlackBerry

Lorin Beer Andrew Grieve Major Closed Fixed  
Sub-task CB-4779

CB-4776 Add update script to iOS

Andrew Grieve Andrew Grieve Major Closed Fixed  
Sub-task CB-4778

CB-4776 Add platform versions to `cordova platform ls` output

Braden Shepherdson Andrew Grieve Major Closed Fixed  
Sub-task CB-4777

CB-4776 Add `cordova platform update` command to CLI

Braden Shepherdson Andrew Grieve Major Closed Fixed  
