Step 1 of 4: Choose Issues


T Patch Info Key Summary Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution Created Updated Due Development
Sub-task FLINK-16787

FLINK-14799 Provide an assigner strategy of average splits allocation

Unassigned Jingsong Lee Major Open Unresolved  
Sub-task FLINK-15122

FLINK-14799 Reusing record object in StreamTaskNetworkInput

Unassigned Jingsong Lee Major Open Unresolved  
Sub-task FLINK-14860

FLINK-14799 Provide a new InputSplitAssigner that consider page cache utilization ratio

Unassigned Jingsong Lee Major Open Unresolved  
Sub-task FLINK-14148

FLINK-14799 Investigate pushing predicate/projection to underlying Hive input format

Unassigned Rui Li Major Open Unresolved  
