in new zeppelin UI, no scroll bar shows up when JDBC query result with too many columns/contents, so user cannot see the overflowed content .
Example case: (see result in attachment)
select 'this is long long str' aaaaaaaaaaaaaa,
'this is long long str' bbbbbbbbbbbb,
'this is long long str' cccccccccccc,
'this is long long str' dddddddddddd,
'this is long long str' eeeeeeeeeee,
'this is long long str' ffffffffff,
'this is long long str' ggggggggggg,
'this is long long str' hhhhhhhhhhh,
'this is long long str' iiiiiiiiii,
'this is long long str' jjjjjjjjjjjj,
'this is long long str' kkkkkkkkkkk,
'this is long long str' lllllllllllll,
'this is long long str' mmmmmmmmmmmmmm,
'this is long long str' oooooooooooooo,
'this is long long str' pppppppppppppp