New Feature
Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
2.5.0, 2.4.1
In a YARN cluster you can't predict where services will come up -or on what ports. The services need to work those things out as they come up and then publish them somewhere.
Applications need to be able to find the service instance they are to bond to -and not any others in the cluster.
Some kind of service registry -in the RM, in ZK, could do this. If the RM held the write access to the ZK nodes, it would be more secure than having apps register with ZK themselves.
Issue Links
- is depended upon by
SLIDER-365 slider "resolve" command to retrieve service record
- Resolved
YARN-896 Roll up for long-lived services in YARN
- Open
SLIDER-149 Support a YARN service registry
- Resolved
- is related to
HADOOP-11117 UGI HadoopLoginModule doesn't catch & wrap all kerberos-related exceptions
- Resolved
HADOOP-11111 MiniKDC to use locale EN_US for case conversions
- Closed
- relates to
YARN-4758 Enable discovery of AMs by containers
- Open
YARN-6413 FileSystem based Yarn Registry implementation
- Resolved
YARN-1143 Restrict the names that apps and types can have
- Closed