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  1. Hadoop YARN
  2. YARN-8012

Support Unmanaged Container Cleanup



    • New Feature
    • Status: Patch Available
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • 2.7.1
    • None
    • nodemanager
    • None


      An unmanaged container / leaked container is a container which is no longer managed by NM. Thus, it is cannot be managed / leaked by YARN, too.

      There are many cases a YARN managed container can become unmanaged, such as:

      • NM service is disabled or removed on the node.
      • NM is unable to start up again on the node, such as depended configuration, or resources cannot be ready.
      • NM local leveldb store is corrupted or lost, such as bad disk sectors.
      • NM has bugs, such as wrongly mark live container as complete.

      Note, they are caused or things become worse if work-preserving NM restart enabled, see YARN-1336

      Bad impacts of unmanaged container, such as:

      1. Resource cannot be managed for YARN on the node:
        • Cause YARN on the node resource leak
        • Cannot kill the container to release YARN resource on the node to free up resource for other urgent computations on the node.
      2. Container and App killing is not eventually consistent for App user:
        • App which has bugs can still produce bad impacts to outside even if the App is killed for a long time


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              yqwang Yuqi Wang
              yqwang Yuqi Wang
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              15 Start watching this issue

