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  1. Hadoop YARN
  2. YARN-5600

Allow setting yarn.nodemanager.delete.debug-delay-sec on a per-application basis



    • Improvement
    • Status: Patch Available
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • 3.0.0-alpha1
    • None
    • nodemanager
    • The patch delays the deletion of container resources specified by the container launch parameters for debugging purposes.


      To make debugging application launch failures simpler, I'd like to add a parameter to the CLC to allow an application owner to request delayed deletion of the application's launch artifacts.

      This JIRA solves largely the same problem as YARN-5599, but for cases where ATS is not in use, e.g. branch-2.


        1. YARN-5600.000.patch
          44 kB
          Miklos Szegedi
        2. YARN-5600.001.patch
          45 kB
          Miklos Szegedi
        3. YARN-5600.002.patch
          45 kB
          Miklos Szegedi
        4. YARN-5600.003.patch
          47 kB
          Miklos Szegedi
        5. YARN-5600.004.patch
          47 kB
          Miklos Szegedi
        6. YARN-5600.005.patch
          48 kB
          Miklos Szegedi
        7. YARN-5600.006.patch
          48 kB
          Miklos Szegedi
        8. YARN-5600.007.patch
          48 kB
          Miklos Szegedi
        9. YARN-5600.008.patch
          62 kB
          Miklos Szegedi
        10. YARN-5600.009.patch
          66 kB
          Miklos Szegedi
        11. YARN-5600.010.patch
          65 kB
          Miklos Szegedi
        12. YARN-5600.011.patch
          64 kB
          Miklos Szegedi
        13. YARN-5600.012.patch
          64 kB
          Miklos Szegedi
        14. YARN-5600.013.patch
          63 kB
          Miklos Szegedi
        15. YARN-5600.014.patch
          63 kB
          Miklos Szegedi
        16. YARN-5600.015.patch
          63 kB
          Miklos Szegedi
        17. YARN-5600.016.patch
          63 kB
          Miklos Szegedi
        18. YARN-5600.017.patch
          64 kB
          Miklos Szegedi



            Unassigned Unassigned
            templedf Daniel Templeton
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            10 Start watching this issue

