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  1. Hadoop YARN
  2. YARN-11382

ClientRMService forget to record some audit logs after accessCheck

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      ClientRMService forget to record some audit logs after accessCheck and just throw an YarnException("User does not have privilege to do something……").

      Here is an example in method "getContainers":

      @Override public GetContainersResponse getContainers(GetContainersRequest request)           
          throws YarnException, IOException { 
          boolean allowAccess = checkAccess(callerUGI, application.getUser(),  ApplicationAccessType.VIEW_APP, application); 
          GetContainersResponse response = null; 
          if (allowAccess) { 
              // a logSuccess should be called here. 
          } else { 
              // a logFailure should be called here. 
              throw new YarnException("User " + callerUGI.getShortUserName() + " does not have privilege to see this application " + appId); 
          return response; 

      And other methods(e.g. signalToContainer) in this class logSuccess or logFailure after accessCheck.

      I think the requests from users are very critical for auditing and audit logs should  be recorded here.


      Also, I found some AuditConstants in RMAuditLogger for these request (except getApplicationReport), so I guess write audit log for them is in the developer's planning but maybe forgotten.

      public class RMAuditLogger {
          public static class AuditConstants {
          public static final String GET_APP_ATTEMPTS = "Get Application Attempts";
          public static final String GET_APP_ATTEMPT_REPORT
              = "Get Application Attempt Report";
          public static final String GET_CONTAINERS = "Get Containers";
          public static final String GET_CONTAINER_REPORT = "Get Container Report";





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            Unassigned Unassigned
            chino71 Beibei Zhao




                Issue deployment