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  1. Hadoop YARN
  2. YARN-10443

Document options of logs CLI



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 3.3.0
    • 3.4.0
    • yarn
    • None
    • Reviewed


      It's bugging me a lot that the YARN logs CLI is poorly documented. I always have to type yarn logs -help to see the full list of supported commands. It would be nice to have it nicely documented in our website.

      Current documentation in the website shows only 5 supported options.
      The output of the help command however shows more:

      Retrieve logs for YARN applications.
      usage: yarn logs -applicationId <application ID> [OPTIONS]
      general options are:
       -am <AM Containers>                          Prints the AM Container logs
                                                    for this application.
                                                    Specify comma-separated
                                                    value to get logs for
                                                    related AM Container. For
                                                    example, If we specify -am
                                                    1,2, we will get the logs
                                                    for the first AM Container
                                                    as well as the second AM
                                                    Container. To get logs for
                                                    all AM Containers, use -am
                                                    ALL. To get logs for the
                                                    latest AM Container, use -am
                                                    -1. By default, it will
                                                    print all available logs.
                                                    Work with -log_files to get
                                                    only specific logs.
       -appOwner <Application Owner>                AppOwner (assumed to be
                                                    current user if not
       -client_max_retries <Max Retries>            Set max retry number for a
                                                    retry client to get the
                                                    container logs for the
                                                    running applications. Use a
                                                    negative value to make retry
                                                    forever. The default value
                                                    is 30.
       -client_retry_interval_ms <Retry Interval>   Work with
                                                    --client_max_retries to
                                                    create a retry client. The
                                                    default value is 1000.
       -clusterId <Cluster ID>                      ClusterId. By default, it
                                                    will take default cluster id
                                                    from the RM
       -containerId <Container ID>                  ContainerId. By default, it
                                                    will print all available
                                                    logs. Work with -log_files
                                                    to get only specific logs.
                                                    If specified, the
                                                    applicationId can be omitted
       -help                                        Displays help for all
       -list_nodes                                  Show the list of nodes that
                                                    successfully aggregated
                                                    logs. This option can only
                                                    be used with finished
       -log_files <Log File Name>                   Specify comma-separated
                                                    value to get exact matched
                                                    log files. Use "ALL" or "*"
                                                    to fetch all the log files
                                                    for the container.
       -log_files_pattern <Log File Pattern>        Specify comma-separated
                                                    value to get matched log
                                                    files by using java regex.
                                                    Use ".*" to fetch all the
                                                    log files for the container.
       -nodeAddress <Node Address>                  NodeAddress in the format
       -out <Local Directory>                       Local directory for storing
                                                    individual container logs.
                                                    The container logs will be
                                                    stored based on the node the
                                                    container ran on.
       -show_application_log_info                   Show the containerIds which
                                                    belong to the specific
                                                    Application. You can combine
                                                    this with --nodeAddress to
                                                    get containerIds for all the
                                                    containers on the specific
       -show_container_log_info                     Show the container log
                                                    metadata, including log-file
                                                    names, the size of the log
                                                    files. You can combine this
                                                    with --containerId to get
                                                    log metadata for the
                                                    specific container, or with
                                                    --nodeAddress to get log
                                                    metadata for all the
                                                    containers on the specific
       -size <size>                                 Prints the log file's first
                                                    'n' bytes or the last 'n'
                                                    bytes. Use negative values
                                                    as bytes to read from the
                                                    end and positive values as
                                                    bytes to read from the
       -size_limit_mb <Size Limit>                  Use this option to limit the
                                                    size of the total logs which
                                                    could be fetched. By
                                                    default, we only allow to
                                                    fetch at most 10240 MB logs.
                                                    If the total log size is
                                                    larger than the specified
                                                    number, the CLI would fail.
                                                    The user could specify -1 to
                                                    ignore the size limit and
                                                    fetch all logs.


        1. YARN-10443.002.patch
          2 kB
          Ankit Kumar
        2. YARN-10443.001.patch
          2 kB
          Ankit Kumar



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            adam.antal Adam Antal
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