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  1. Xerces-C++
  2. XERCESC-1130

Unique Att Spec error when parsing valid XML



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 1.4
    • 1.5
    • Non-Validating Parser
    • None
    • Operating System: Windows XP
      Platform: Other
    • 26561


      I get a Unique Att Spec for the following:

      <playerupdate playerid="259" name="mvilcsak2" location="0" jailed="0"
      directmove="1" hasturn="0" can_roll="0"/>
      <playerupdate playerid="259" host="resnet-91-140.cavern.carleton.ca"
      name="mvilcsak2" game="137" bankrupt="0" jailed="0" money="1500" hasturn="0"
      spectator="0" master="0"/>

      The error given is:
      The attribute 'money' is already used in element 'playerupdate'
      at Line 1 Column 246 (When the above is all on one line, I believe it is Line 3
      Column 127 with the nicer looking stuff above - anyways, it points to the
      money="1500" attribute in the second playerupdate)
      When I remove the money="1500" attribute completely, the parser doesn't burp,
      and parses perfectly fine. When I move it to another location within the same
      tag, it does error. When I move it to the first playerupdate tag, it doesn't error.

      The URL (http://monopw.sourceforge.net/trouble.xml) is a link to the full
      document sent by the server, but I narrowed it down to the first two tags, and
      it still errors.

      The parser is a XercesDOMParser, dmbi is a pointer to a MemBufInputSource, the
      input is a UTF-8 formatted string.

      I'm using the xerces-c2_4_0-windows_nt-msvc60 build, and it happens in both the
      debug and regular dlls.
      If I missed something really stupid, or I didn't search well enough for a
      pre-existing bug, I apologize - and if any information is required please ask,
      this is stopping me from being able to parse some pretty important data.

      Matthew Vilcsak




            Unassigned Unassigned
            spam@gonbon.com Matthew Vilcsak
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