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  1. Struts 2
  2. WW-4317

datetimepicker does not work where form theme=simple




      I am in the middle of upgrading a webwork app to struts2 The good news is that datetimepicker works just like I would expect it in hundreds of places across the migrated application but only if the form is theme=xhtml. However if the form is simple (which it is in this case), then what used to work "auto magically" in webwork seems a little more troublesome in struts 2. There is some critical step I am missing but am yet to figure it out.

      This is what I am doing. The page uses an iterator to populate a list (of invoice items under an invoice) and then allows the user to edit any item in the list by clicking an "Edit" link that appears for each item in the list.

      The <td> cell for the "Edit" link looks like:

      <td class="evenRow">
      <a <%=linkmouseover%> href="javascript:editInvoiceItem('<s:property value="id"/>', '<s:property escape="false" value="providerHtml"/>', '<s:property value="createDate"/>', '<s:property value="serviceCode"/>', '<s:property escape="false" value="serviceDescriptionHtml"/>', '<s:property value="units"/>', '<s:property value="cost"/>', '<s:property value="gstApplies"/>', '<s:property value="taxInclusive"/>');">Edit</a>

      And the javascript editInvoiceItem that gets called looks like:

      function editInvoiceItem(id, provider, createDate, serviceCode, serviceDescription, units, cost, gstApplies, taxInclusive) {
             document.getElementById("invItemId").value = id;
             document.getElementById("provider").value = provider;
             document.getElementById("createDate").value = createDate;
             document.getElementById("code").value = serviceCode;
             document.getElementById("desc").value = serviceDescription;
             document.getElementById("units").value = units;
             document.getElementById("cost").value = cost;
             document.getElementById("gstApplies").value = gstApplies;
             document.getElementById("taxInclusive").value = taxInclusive;

      And the theme=simple form that is auto populated when the user clicks "Edit" looks like...

      <s:form theme="simple" id="itemAdd" name="itemAdd" action="invoice"
           <s:hidden name="cmd" value="addItem" />
           <s:hidden name="objType" />
           <s:hidden name="objId" />
           <s:hidden name="model" />
           <s:hidden name="invId" value="%{invoice.id}" />
           <s:hidden name="invoice.thirdPartyName" />
           <s:hidden name="invoice.thirdPartyAddress" />
           <s:hidden name="invoiceItem.id" id="invItemId"/>
           <s:hidden name="invoiceItem.provider" id="provider" value="addItem"/>
           <s:hidden name="role" />
           <td class="evenRow"><sx:datetimepicker id="createDate" displayFormat="%{getText('dateFormat')}" name="invoiceItem.createDate" /></td>
           <td class="evenRow"><s:select id="code" emptyOption="true" name="invoiceItem.serviceCode" list="invoiceCodes"/></td>
           <td class="evenRow"><s:textfield id="desc" size="20" name="invoiceItem.serviceDescription"/></td>
           <td class="evenRow"><s:textfield onchange="calculateLineItem()" id="units" size="4" name="invoiceItem.units"/></td>
           <td class="evenRow"><s:textfield onchange="calculateLineItem()" id="cost" size="6" name="invoiceItem.cost"/></td>
           <td class="evenRow"><s:textfield id="gst" size="4" readonly="true" name="invoiceItem.gst"/></td>
           <td class="evenRow"><s:textfield id="total" size="6" readonly="true" name="invoiceItem.total"/></td>
           <td class="evenRow"><s:select onchange="calculateLineItem()" name="invoiceItem.gstApplies" id="gstApplies" emptyOption="false" list="#{'Yes':'Yes', 'No':'No'}"/></td>
           <td class="evenRow"><s:select onchange="calculateLineItem()" name="invoiceItem.taxInclusive" id="taxInclusive" emptyOption="false" list="#{'No':'No', 'Yes':'Yes'}"/></td>
           <td class="evenRow">&nbsp;</td>
           <td class="evenRow"><s:submit theme="simple" align="left" value="Save"

      There are 2 problems:

      • the field "createDate" is not populated when the user clicks the "Edit" link (while all the other non-date fields referenced in the javascript are)
      • and if I manually enter a new date via the datetimepicker widget and click a button to save the updated invoice item data, then I get a validation error saying the "createDate" field is missing

      Lukasz suggested I insert theme=dojo in the datetimepicker tag (<sx:datetimepicker theme="dojo" .../>) but when I do this it throws an error "Attribute theme invalid for tag datetimepicker according to tld"


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              patrick.kelly@riverdynamics.com Patrick Kelly
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