What I expect to happen when there is no semicolon support in Wicket is that a
URL in a form like below stays intact and will not be cut off at the position of
the first semicolon:
<form action="http://localhost:8080/dor/abc_1234:56;023:456_def_78;90.html"
method="post"><input type="submit" value="Submit" /></form>
In my application the part abc_1234:56;023:456_def_78;90.html is "named1" in the
mapping below:
mount(new MountedMapper("dor/#
{named1}", TestPage.class, new
and parsed in MyPageParametersEncoder.
The officially intended use of semicolons in URLs seems to be specified in "RFC
1808 - Relative Uniform Resource Locators, 2.4.5."
( But that´s not what I´m looking for.
If I had not some pages running on this syntax, I could easily swap the
semicolon with another symbol. Nevertheless and if I´m correctly informed, I
think those URLs should not be cut off.
(Quotation from the mailing list)
The quickstart can be tested with the following URLs:
The crucial part is the action attribute in the form in the page´s source code, which contains i.e. "./abc_1234:56?-1.IFormSubmitListener-form".