This issue happened while quickly writing an example with weaver to test another issue.
I created a sample project to call the maven-plugin with privilizer, as in the project home page example.
import org.apache.commons.weaver.privilizer.Privileged; public class SimpleClass { public void sayA() { System.out.println("Aaa"); } @Privileged public void sayNothing() { System.out.println("Nothing"); } }
As I was in a hurry, I didn't bother creating a package, adding comments, etc. When I asked Eclipse to build the project, it threw a NPE. Then I tried via command line, same behavior.
My pom.xml was using version 1.3, but since I have the project sources in my workspace, I re-synced the local repo, `mvn install`'d, and then updated the pom to use 1.4-SNAPSHOT.
Same issue. I believe the issue is in the ScanResult#getWeavable method that returns a WeavablePackage.
// snip /** * Public for use by {@link WeaveProcessor}. * @param pkg to wrap * @return {@link WeavablePackage} */ public WeavablePackage getWeavable(final Package pkg) { final String key = pkg.getName(); if (packages.containsKey(key)) { return packages.get(key); } final WeavablePackage result = new WeavablePackage(pkg); final WeavablePackage faster = packages.putIfAbsent(key, result); return faster == null ? result : faster; } // snip
I believe when you create a class with no package, trying to get its package (i.e. obj.getClass().getPackage()) will return null. So I'm no sure how this issue could be fixed. Simply passing a null to WeavablePackage's contructor seems like will create other issues...
For the time being, will update my example to use packages.