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  1. UIMA
  2. UIMA-2970

Improve release of Eclipse Update sub-sites



    • Improvement
    • Status: Resolved
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 2.4.1SDK, parent-pom-5
    • None
    • None


      Take advantage of the existence of the Apache dist.apache.org SVN site used for releases to reduce the release work for new versions of existing update subsites.

      A subsite is typically a collection of features and plugins, at various "versions", plus metadata that catalogs these items in two files: contents.jar and artifacts.jar. The subsite also has pack.gz versions of the plugin Jars, and checksums and signatures for the Jars and pack.gz things.

      With each new version, the old versions of the features and plugins do not change; just new versions are added and the metadata files are updated; all new and changed files get new checksums/signatures.

      Change the build process to:
      a) checkout the existing subsite
      b) build just the new versions
      c) compute the new metadata and use the "append" facility to add to the existing metadata
      d) allow "committing" just the new/changed files to the dist repo after the vote passes.

      Since the update site build process no longer has any need of information about previous versions, change the update-site organization and POM to have less special updates needed (previously, it needed lists of previous versions, etc), and make it align with the conventional way other projects are built, where possible.

      Make the category.xml a filtered file - substituting the "version" from the POM instead of hard-coding it.

      Incorporate checksums and signings into the normal mvn build process, under the apache-release profile (so other builders don't need to do this part).

      Add the common part of all update subsite building to the uima-wide parent pom; activate by having a file named "marker-file-identifying-eclipse-update-site"




            schor Marshall Schor
            schor Marshall Schor
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