There are a very large number of changes present in the DTM components from Esgyn that are not present in Trafodion. It is not practicable to cherry pick these changes as the two environments are quite different and every cherry pick attempt I tried involved complicated manual merges. As a consequence, a large port of DTM changes en masse would be both easier approach and also safer since the Esgyn code has been much more thoroughly tested.
A sample of the fixes included are:
Dozens of bug fixes
Improved recovery after HBase failures
Better error reporting and tracing, which includes region keys for easier debugging
Reduced UnknownTransactionExceptions resulting from duplicate transaction registration
Better TLOG management including reducing the default number of tables
This is the first porting of Esgyn changes. There will need to be additional , smaller porting effort. Ultimately the goal is to get the 2 DTM version close enough that cherry picking will become normal and future mass portings will not be necessary.