Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
Tested on Windows XP Pro SP2, Tomcat 5.5.7, Java 1.5.0_04-b05; modified the Tiles Example
I've included an example of this bug in the attached file. This is just a slight modification of the Tiles example application. I add a new page (it's the last link of the navigation bar (Parameterizing Tiles)) that demonstrates this possible bug.
When one tries to parameterize a styleClass attribute, e.g. in the tiles-definition file:
<definition name="/page5.tiles" extends="layout.example" >
<put name="valueBoundStyleClass" value="hardCodedStyleClass" />
<put name="body" value="/page5.jsp" />
and a tag that attempts to import the valueBoundStyleClass attribute for the styleClass attribute:
<h:outputText value="This element's styleClass attribute attempts to import an attribute. The text font-size should be x-large and the text should should be bold." styleClass="#
{valueBoundStyleClass}" />
The appropriate CSS style is not rendered. Interestingly, this h:outputText tag does not create the <span class="..."> ... </span> HTML output... For me, this has not only happened in the h:outputText tag, but also for styleClass attributes in h:dataTable, h:selectOneMenu, etc.