We have over the years, going back to a discussion thread from January 2018 had discussions of various text predicates that Gremlin lacks but are commonly found in other query languages such as SPARQL and Cypher. We currently have some TextP predicates, but not a specific regex one. I propose we add TextP.regex and for the reference implementation leverage the Java Pattern and Matcher classes. It may be that other implementations will choose to use a different REGEX engine but at least this will get the support into the Gremlin language. As a first pass, I envision this can be something quite simple along these lines (from a small prototype I put together).
\,,,/ (o o) -----oOOo-(3)-oOOo----- plugin activated: tinkerpop.server plugin activated: tinkerpop.utilities plugin activated: tinkerpop.tinkergraph gremlin> g=traversal().withGraph( ==>graphtraversalsource[tinkergraph[vertices:0 edges:0], standard] gremlin> g.addV('test').property('k1','I like llamas') ==>v[0] gremlin> g.V().has('k1',TextP.regex("l[i|x]ke")) ==>v[0] gremlin> g.V().has('city',TextP.regex("^Dallas")) ==>v[8] ==>v[186]