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  1. Tika
  2. TIKA-3554

Detect plain text file as application/zip based on file ext wrong



    • Bug
    • Status: Open
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • 1.26
    • None
    • detector, metadata, mime


      Update: Tika detect only gets 3400bytes peeked from the input stream (and the file name) and not the entire file's byte array.

      Given a simple plain text file with the file extension `.zip` and with content `Hello World!`. Example file name: "hello.txt.zip"

      When calling the function `tika.detect()` with the file bytes from an `InputStream` using `BufferedInputStream`

      String detectedMimeType = tika.detect(bytes.get(), fileItem.getName());

      Then it returns `application/zip` as for the detected MimeType. (Regardless the file's content is in plain text (~12byte), only the file extension contains the `.zip`.)


      Note: The result is the same for file with HTML content, but also having`.zip` as file ext. It’s not a super rare file type that’s hard to detect. So I’d say it’s a bug in Tika.


      Expected behavior

      Tika should detect the provided file as a plain text file and return `text/plain` for the detected mime type regardless of the file extension being `.zip`.


      Suggested solution:

      Check file signature further on the file extension in case the file ext is `.zip`

      To ensure that the uploaded file is really a zip archive, it should have a matching file signature with one of the following:

      • 50 4B 03 04
      • 50 4B 05 06 (empty archive)
      • 50 4B 07 08 (spanned archive)

      See magic numbers at Wiki page for ZIP file format: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZIP_(file_format)


      Background info:

      We are using the `Tika.detect()` to detect the file's mime type on uploading to the server in a Java servlet before saving it for further processing. To ensure that the client-provided file has the expected mime type and accepts only that type of file. In this context, we are working with `ZIP` archives. Users are only allowed to upload zip archives. But, it turned out that Tika cannot detect plain text files and still recognizes them as ZIP archives if the file extension is given as `.zip`.

      However, there are newer versions of the Apache Tika than what we are currently using is 1.26 this is still an issue in the newer version.


      How do I investigate this:

      1. A valid zip archive with filename `archive.zip.txt` where the file extension is `.txt`
        • Expectation: Tika should detect the file mime type as `application/zip`
        • Result: Provides the expected result. A valid zip archive, but with having the file `.txt` file extension in its name is still detected as `application/zip` successfully.
      2. A valid zip archive with filename, but without the `.zip` file extension.
        • Expectation: Tika should detect the file mime type as `application/zip`
        • Result: Provides the expected result. A valid zip archive, but without having the file `.zip` file extension in its name is still detected as `application/zip` successfully.
      3.  A common GIF file, but with `.zip` file extension `something.gif.zip`
        • Expectation: Tika should detect the file mime type as `image/gif`
        • Result: Provides the expected result. A GIF image, but with having the file `.zip` extension is still can be detected as `image/gif`
      4. Any plain text file (can be `HTML` doc or `TEXT`) with filename `myText.zip` where the file extension is `.zip`
        • Expectation: Tika should detect the file mime type as `application/octet-stream` in general or `text/plain` or `text/html` depending on the file's content.
        • Result: Tika `detect()` *fails*! Detects it as `application/zip`.
      5. Any plain text file (can be `HTML` doc or plain `TEXT`) with filename, but without the file extension.
        • Expectation: Tika should detect the file mime type as `application/octet-stream` in general or `text/plain` or `text/html` depending on the file's content.
        • Result: Provides the expected result. Detects it as `application/octet-stream`. (So to say it's acceptable for a file without file extension and text content, `text/plain` would be a perfect match)


      idx Tika detect file type test case Pass (Y/N) Expected Detected
      1. A valid ZIP archive with `.txt` file ext Y application/zip application/zip
      2. A valid ZIP archive without file ext Y application/zip application/zip
      3. A common binary (GIF) with `.zip` file ext Y image/gif image/gif
      4. A plain text file with `.zip` file ext N application/octet-stream (or text/plain) application/zip
      5. A plain text file without file ext Y application/octet-stream (or text/plain) application/octet-stream

      Conclusion: It turned out that Tika cannot detect plain text files and still recognizes them as ZIP archives if the file extension is given as `.zip`.

      So, I think the issue is with detecting plain text files <--> ZIP archives the most significant in Tika. It can detect other known files/binaries even without the file extension.


      Visual proof

      See in attachments.


        1. image-2021-09-15-10-33-33-560.png
          72 kB
          Krisztián Gyula Tóth



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            ktothdev Krisztián Gyula Tóth
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