THRIFT-4474 made PSR-4 the default loader, but the tutorial doesn't seem to be updated. It works with neither -gen php nor -gen php:classmap, as follows:
thrift$ cd tutorial thrift/tutorial$ ../compiler/cpp/thrift -r -gen php:server tutorial.thrift thrift/tutorial$ php/PhpServer.php PHP Fatal error: Interface 'tutorial\CalculatorIf' not found in /home/sekikn/repos/thrift/tutorial/php/PhpServer.php on line 55 Fatal error: Interface 'tutorial\CalculatorIf' not found in /home/sekikn/repos/thrift/tutorial/php/PhpServer.php on line 55 thrift/tutorial$ php/PhpClient.php PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Thrift\Transport\TSocket' not found in /home/sekikn/repos/thrift/tutorial/php/PhpClient.php:49 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /home/sekikn/repos/thrift/tutorial/php/PhpClient.php on line 49 thrift/tutorial$ rm -rf gen-php thrift/tutorial$ ../compiler/cpp/thrift -r -gen php:classmap,server tutorial.thrift thrift/tutorial$ php/PhpServer.php PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Thrift\Transport\TBufferedTransport' not found in /home/sekikn/repos/thrift/tutorial/php/PhpServer.php:125 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /home/sekikn/repos/thrift/tutorial/php/PhpServer.php on line 125 Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Thrift\Transport\TBufferedTransport' not found in /home/sekikn/repos/thrift/tutorial/php/PhpServer.php:125 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /home/sekikn/repos/thrift/tutorial/php/PhpServer.php on line 125 thrift/tutorial$ php/PhpClient.php PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Thrift\Transport\TSocket' not found in /home/sekikn/repos/thrift/tutorial/php/PhpClient.php:49 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /home/sekikn/repos/thrift/tutorial/php/PhpClient.php on line 49
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