Status: Closed
Resolution: Not A Problem
Linux Arch / Oracle JDK v1.8.0u152
Windows 7 / Oracle JDK v1.8.0u151
The bitfield field is set to true for every field after deserialization of a Thrift message structure.
Here is a simple test program :
public class BitFieldTest { public static void main(String[] args) throws TException { final CBChannel chan = new CBChannel(); chan.setId(42L); chan.setName("test"); // should return true, true, false System.out.println("id is set ? " + chan.isSetId()); System.out.println("name is set ? " + chan.isSetName()); System.out.println("duration max is set ? " + chan.isSetDurationMax()); final TProtocolFactory protoFactory = new TCompactProtocol.Factory(); final byte[] buf = new TSerializer(protoFactory).serialize(chan); System.out.println("\n---- Hexdump serialized message : ----\n" + HexTools.toHexString(buf)); final CBChannel chanDst = new CBChannel(); new TDeserializer(protoFactory).deserialize(chanDst, buf); System.out.println("---- toString() of deserialized api msg : ----\n" + chanDst); // should return true, true, false System.out.println("\nid is set ? " + chanDst.isSetId()); System.out.println("name is set ? " + chanDst.isSetName()); System.out.println("duration max is set ? " + chanDst.isSetDurationMax()); } }
The output is :
id is set ? true name is set ? true duration max is set ? false ---- Hexdump serialized message : ---- 00 16 54 18 04 74 65 73 74 12 26 00 16 00 16 00 16 .T..test.&...... 10 00 16 00 16 00 16 00 00 ........ ---- toString() of deserialized api msg : ---- CBChannel(id:42, name:test, enabled:false, type:null, durationMin:0, durationMax:0, inactivityAlarm:0, analogicConfiguration:0, digitalConfiguration:0, voipConfiguration:0, r17Index:0, group:null) id is set ? true name is set ? true duration max is set ? true
You can see that the last test for is set on the durationMax field return true, when it sould return false.
Here is the idl file :
enum ChannelType
struct CBChannelGroup
1: i64 id;
2: i64 parentId;
3: string name;
struct CBChannel
1: i64 id;
2: string name;
3: bool enabled;
4: ChannelType type;
5: i64 durationMin;
6: i64 durationMax;
7: i64 inactivityAlarm;
8: i64 analogicConfiguration;
9: i64 digitalConfiguration;
10: i64 voipConfiguration;
11: i64 r17Index;
12: CBChannelGroup group;