Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
See the title.
You can reproduce as follows:
tweets> CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE tweets ( coordinates TEXT, favorited BOOL, truncated BOOL, created_at TIMESTAMP, id_str TEXT, /*entrities RECORD ( urls ARRAY<TEXT> )*/ in_reply_to_user_id_str TEXT, contributors TEXT, text TEXT, metadata RECORD ( iso_language_code TEXT, result_type TEXT ), retweet_count INTEGER, in_reply_to_status_id_str TEXT, id TEXT, geo TEXT, retweeted BOOL, in_reply_to_user_id TEXT, place TEXT, user RECORD ( profile_sidebar_fill_color TEXT, profile_sidebar_border_color TEXT, profile_background_tile TEXT, name TEXT, profile_image_url TEXT, created_at TIMESTAMP, location TEXT, follow_request_sent TEXT, profile_link_color TEXT, is_translator BOOL, id_str TEXT, /* entities RECORD ( url RECORD ( ), description RECORD ( ) ), */ default_profile BOOL, contributors_enabled BOOL, favourites_count INTEGER, url TEXT, profile_image_url_https TEXT, utc_offset INTEGER, id BIGINT, profile_use_background_image BOOL, listed_count INTEGER, profile_text_color TEXT, lang TEXT, followers_count INTEGER, protected BOOL, notifications TEXT, profile_background_image_url_https TEXT, profile_background_color TEXT, verified TEXT, geo_enabled TEXT, time_zone TEXT, description TEXT, default_profile_image TEXT, profile_background_image_url TEXT, statuses_count INTEGER, friends_count INTEGER, following TEXT, show_all_inline_media BOOL, screen_name TEXT ), in_reply_to_screen_name TEXT, source TEXT, in_reply_to_status_id TEXT ) USING JSON LOCATION 'file://.../Projects/twitter_201407221120.log'; OK tweets> \d tweets tweets> \d tweets table name: tweets.tweets table path: file://.../Projects/twitter_201407221120.log store type: json number of rows: unknown volume: 151.2 MB Options: 'text.serde'='' schema: coordinates TEXT favorited BOOLEAN truncated BOOLEAN created_at TIMESTAMP id_str TEXT in_reply_to_user_id_str TEXT contributors TEXT text TEXT metadata RECORD (iso_language_code TEXT, result_type TEXT) retweet_count INT4 in_reply_to_status_id_str TEXT id TEXT geo TEXT retweeted BOOLEAN in_reply_to_user_id TEXT place TEXT user RECORD (profile_sidebar_fill_color TEXT, profile_sidebar_border_color TEXT, profile_background_tile TEXT, name TEXT, profile_image_url TEXT, created_at TIMESTAMP, location TEXT, follow_request_sent TEXT, profile_link_color TEXT, is_translator BOOLEAN, id_str TEXT, default_profile BOOLEAN, contributors_enabled BOOLEAN, favourites_count INT4, url TEXT, profile_image_url_https TEXT, utc_offset INT4, id INT8, profile_use_background_image BOOLEAN, listed_count INT4, profile_text_color TEXT, lang TEXT, followers_count INT4, protected BOOLEAN, notifications TEXT, profile_background_image_url_https TEXT, profile_background_color TEXT, verified TEXT, geo_enabled TEXT, time_zone TEXT, description TEXT, default_profile_image TEXT, profile_background_image_url TEXT, statuses_count INT4, friends_count INT4, following TEXT, show_all_inline_media BOOLEAN, screen_name TEXT) in_reply_to_screen_name TEXT source TEXT in_reply_to_status_id TEXT tweets> select "text" from tweets limit 10; ERROR: column "tweets.tweets.text" does not exist