PR contains improvements when Anys are searched using FIQL queries:
The resulted SQL query that finds any_to_keys can have a huge list with OR clauses for effective realms. This can be replaced to the IN clause.
SELECT u.any_id,sv.username FROM (SELECT DISTINCT any_id FROM user_search WHERE (realm_id=? AND any_id IN ( SELECT DISTINCT any_id FROM user_search WHERE lastChangeDate<=?))) u,user_search sv WHERE u.any_id=sv.any_id AND u.any_id IN (SELECT any_id FROM user_search WHERE realm_id IN (SELECT id AS realm_id FROM Realm WHERE id=? OR id=? OR id=? OR id=? OR id=? OR id=? OR id=? OR id=? OR id=? OR id=? OR id=? OR id=? OR id=? OR id=? OR id=? OR id=? OR id=? OR id=? OR id=? OR id=? OR id=? OR id=? OR id=? OR id=? OR id=? OR id=? OR id=? OR id=? OR id=?)) ORDER BY sv.username ASC
When anys are searched by keys a lot of single sql queries are executed. This can be improved using single SQL query with In clause.
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