When we try to set the svn:auto-prop on a file, we get a helpful error message
that this prop cannot be set on a file:
1.8.0>svn ps svn:auto-props *.foo=svn:eol-style=native FAQ
..\..\..\subversion\libsvn_wc\props.c:1561: (apr_err=SVN_ERR_ILLEGAL_TARGET)
svn: E200009: Cannot set 'svn:auto-props' on a file
# When we try the same thing via a propedit, the edit is disallowed,
# but all we see is that no changes were made, with no explanation
# as to why:
1.8.0>svn propedit svn:auto-props FAQ
No changes to property 'svn:auto-props' on 'FAQ'
The propedit should explain why the edit was disallowed.