Lock a file in a working copy, steal the lock, then attempt to unlock the
original working copy.
svnadmin create repo --compatible-version 1.7
svn -mm import repo/format file://`pwd`/repo/A/f
svn co http://localhost:8888/obj/repo wc
svn lock wc/A/f
svn lock --force http://localhost:8888/obj/repo/A/f
svn unlock wc/A/f
The server responds to the UNLOCK with a 400 Bad Request. With 1.7/neon the
client reports:
svn: warning: W160040: No lock on path 'f' (400 Bad Request)
160040 is SVN_ERR_FS_NO_SUCH_LOCK. with 1.8/serf the client reports:
svn: warning: W175002: Unlock request failed: 400 Bad Request