New Feature
Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
SSH 2.3 seems to have added the capability to use PGP keys as authorized ones:
SSH2 Version 2.0.13 introduced support for PGP authentication. Your authorization file may also include PgpPublicKeyFile, PgpKeyName, PgpKey Fingerprint, and PgpKeyId lines. A Command line may follow them, just as it may follow Key:
# SSH2 only PgpKeyName my-key Command "/bin/echo PGP authentication was detected"
Some examples of how to use Bouncycastle to facilitate this:
Python converter pgp->ssh
openssh-gpg configuration
Issue Links
- is a parent of
SSHD-870 Add support for using PGP Key ring(s) for authorized entries and/or client identity
- Resolved