Version 1.3.2


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Release Notes

BlockerBugSPARK-5456Decimal Type comparison issueAdrian WangResolved
BlockerBugSPARK-6595DataFrame self joins with MetastoreRelations failMichael ArmbrustResolved
BlockerBugSPARK-6886Big closure in PySpark will fail during shuffleDavies LiuResolved
BlockerBugSPARK-6967Internal DateType not handled correctly in cachingAdrian WangResolved
BlockerBugSPARK-7660Snappy-java buffer-sharing bug leads to data corruption / test failuresJosh RosenResolved
BlockerBugSPARK-8781Published POMs are no longer effective POMsAndrew OrClosed
BlockerBugSPARK-8819Spark doesn't compile with maven 3.3.xAndrew OrResolved
CriticalBugSPARK-3190Creation of large graph(> 2.15 B nodes) seems to be broken:possible overflow somewhere Ankur DaveResolved
CriticalBugSPARK-5074Flaky test: o.a.s.scheduler.DAGSchedulerSuiteShixiong ZhuResolved
CriticalTaskSPARK-6781sqlCtx -> sqlContext in pyspark shellDavies LiuResolved
CriticalBugSPARK-6931python: struct.pack('!q', value) in write_long(value, stream) in require int(but doesn't raise exceptions in common cases)Bryan CutlerResolved
CriticalBugSPARK-6985Receiver maxRate over 1000 causes a StackOverflowErrorDavid McGuireResolved
CriticalBugSPARK-7070LDA.setBeta calls itselfXiangrui MengResolved
CriticalBugSPARK-7103SparkContext.union crashed when some RDDs have no partitionerSteven SheResolved
CriticalBugSPARK-7181External Sorter merge with aggregation go to an infinite loop when we have a total orderingQiping LiResolved
CriticalBugSPARK-7204Call sites in UI are not accurate for DataFrame operationsPatrick WendellResolved
CriticalBugSPARK-7417Flaky test: o.a.s.deploy.SparkSubmitUtilsSuite neglect dependenciesBurak YavuzClosed
CriticalBugSPARK-7418Flaky test: o.a.s.deploy.SparkSubmitUtilsSuite search for artifactsBurak YavuzClosed
CriticalBugSPARK-7563OutputCommitCoordinator.stop() should only be executed in driverJosh RosenResolved
CriticalBugSPARK-8309OpenHashMap doesn't work with more than 12M itemsVyacheslav BaranovResolved
CriticalBugSPARK-8606Exceptions in RDD.getPreferredLocations() and getPartitions() should not be able to crash DAGSchedulerJosh RosenResolved
CriticalBugSPARK-9175BLAS.gemm fails to update matrix C when alpha==0 and beta!=1Meihua WuResolved
CriticalBugSPARK-10169Evaluating AggregateFunction1 (old code path) may return wrong answers when grouping expressions are used as arguments of aggregate functionsYin HuaiResolved
CriticalBugSPARK-10381Infinite loop when OutputCommitCoordination is enabled and OutputCommitter.commitTask throws exceptionJosh RosenResolved
CriticalBugSPARK-11302 Multivariate Gaussian Model with Covariance matrix returns incorrect answer in some cases Sean R. OwenResolved
CriticalBugSPARK-11424Guard against MAPREDUCE-5918 by ensuring RecordReader is only closed once in *HadoopRDDJosh RosenResolved
MajorBugSPARK-2018Big-Endian (IBM Power7) Spark Serialization issueTim EllisonResolved
MajorBugSPARK-4315PySpark pickling of pyspark.sql.Row objects is extremely inefficientDavies LiuResolved
MajorBugSPARK-5220keepPushingBlocks in BlockGenerator terminated when an exception occurs, which causes the block pushing thread to terminate and blocks receiver Hari ShreedharanResolved
MajorBugSPARK-5412Cannot bind Master to a specific hostname as per the documentationSean R. OwenClosed
MajorBugSPARK-5529BlockManager heartbeat expiration does not kill executorshenh062326Closed
MajorBugSPARK-5969The pyspark.rdd.sortByKey always fills only two partitions when ascending=False.Milan StrakaResolved
MajorBugSPARK-6506python support yarn cluster mode requires SPARK_HOME to be setMarcelo Masiero VanzinResolved
MajorBugSPARK-6766StreamingListenerBatchSubmitted isn't sent and StreamingListenerBatchStarted.batchInfo.processingStartTime is a wrong valueShixiong ZhuResolved
MajorBugSPARK-6905Upgrade Snappy Java to to fix bug that resulted in worse compressionJosh RosenResolved
MajorBugSPARK-6954ExecutorAllocationManager can end up requesting a negative number of executorsSandy RyzaResolved
MajorBugSPARK-6998Make StreamingKMeans `Serializable`Shixiong ZhuResolved
MajorImprovementSPARK-7140Do not scan all values in Vector.hashCodeXiangrui MengResolved
MajorBugSPARK-7155SparkContext's newAPIHadoopFile does not support comma-separated list of files, but the other API hadoopFile does.Yong TangResolved
MajorBugSPARK-7187Exceptions in SerializationDebugger should not crash user codeAndrew OrResolved
MajorBugSPARK-7196decimal precision lost when loading DataFrame from JDBCL. C. HsiehResolved
MajorBugSPARK-7229SpecificMutableRow should take integer type as internal representation for DateTypeCheng HaoResolved
MajorBugSPARK-7234When codegen on DateType defaultPrimitive will throw type mismatch exceptionChen SongResolved
MajorBugSPARK-7278Inconsistent handling of dates in PySparks Row objectKarl-Johan WettinResolved
MajorBugSPARK-7330JDBC RDD could lead to NPE when the date field is nullAdrian WangResolved
MajorBugSPARK-7345Spark cannot detect renamed columns using JDBC connectorOleg SidorkinResolved
MajorBugSPARK-7436Cannot implement nor use custom StandaloneRecoveryModeFactory implementationsJacek LewandowskiResolved
MajorBugSPARK-7552Close files correctly when iteration is finished in WAL recoverySaisai ShaoClosed
MajorSub-taskSPARK-7558Log test name when starting and finishing each testAndrew OrClosed
MajorBugSPARK-7566HiveContext.analyzer cannot be overridenSantiago M. MolaResolved
MajorImprovementSPARK-7621Report KafkaReceiver MessageHandler errors so StreamingListeners can take actionJeremy A. LucasResolved
MajorBugSPARK-7624Task scheduler delay is increasing time over time in spark local modeDavies LiuResolved should preserve transpose propertyL. C. HsiehResolved
MajorBugSPARK-7946DecayFactor wrongly set in StreamingKMeansManoj KumarResolved
MajorBugSPARK-8032Make NumPy version checking in mllib/__init__.pyManoj KumarResolved
MajorBugSPARK-8451SparkSubmitSuite never checks for process exit codeAndrew OrClosed
MajorBugSPARK-8535PySpark : Can't create DataFrame from Pandas dataframe with no explicit column nameYuri SaitoResolved
MajorBugSPARK-8563Bug that IndexedRowMatrix.computeSVD() yields the U with wrong numCols19 LeeResolved
MajorBugSPARK-9236Left Outer Join with empty JavaPairRDD returns empty RDDFrançois GarillotResolved
MajorBugSPARK-9254sbt-launch-lib.bash should use `curl --location` to support HTTP/HTTPS redirectionCheng LianResolved
MajorBugSPARK-10353MLlib BLAS gemm outputs wrong result when beta = 0.0 for transpose transpose matrix multiplicationBurak YavuzResolved
MajorBugSPARK-10642Crash in rdd.lookup() with "java.lang.Long cannot be cast to java.lang.Integer"L. C. HsiehResolved
MajorImprovementSPARK-10657Remove legacy SCP-based Jenkins log archiving codeJosh RosenResolved
MajorBugSPARK-10973__gettitem__ method throws IndexError exception when we try to access index after the last non-zero entry.Maciej SzymkiewiczResolved
MajorBugSPARK-10980Create wrong decimal if unscaled > 1e18 and scale > 0Davies LiuResolved
MajorBugSPARK-11812pyspark reduceByKeyAndWindow does not handle unspecified invFunc (invFunc=None)David TolpinResolved
MajorBugSPARK-13464Fix failed test test_reduce_by_key_and_window_with_none_invFunc in pyspark/streamingL. C. HsiehResolved
MinorBugSPARK-2168History Server renered page not suitable for load balancingLukasz JastrzebskiResolved
MinorBugSPARK-5634History server shows misleading message when there are no incomplete appsMarcelo Masiero VanzinClosed
MinorImprovementSPARK-5783Include filename, line number in eventlog-parsing error messageRyan WilliamsResolved
MinorBugSPARK-6205UISeleniumSuite fails for Hadoop 2.x test with NoClassDefFoundErrorSean R. OwenResolved
MinorImprovementSPARK-6343Make doc more explicit regarding network connectivity requirementsPeter ParenteResolved
MinorBugSPARK-6636Use public DNS hostname everywhere in spark_ec2.pyMatt AastedResolved
MinorBugSPARK-6753Unit test for SPARK-3426 (in ShuffleSuite) doesn't correctly clone the SparkConfKay OusterhoutResolved
MinorBugSPARK-6860Fix the possible inconsistency of StreamingPageShixiong ZhuResolved
MinorBugSPARK-6868Container link broken on Spark UI Executors page when YARN is set to HTTPS_ONLYDean ChenResolved
MinorBugSPARK-6878Sum on empty RDD fails with exceptionErik van OostenResolved PID reuse check fails on long classpathPunya BiswalResolved
MinorBugSPARK-6975Argument checking conflict in Yarn when dynamic allocation is enabledSaisai ShaoClosed
MinorImprovementSPARK-6988Fix Spark SQL documentation for 1.3.xOlivier GirardotResolved
MinorBugSPARK-6992Spark SQL documentation for programmatically adding a Schema is broken for Java APIOlivier GirardotResolved
MinorBugSPARK-7036ALS.train should support DataFrames in PySparkXiangrui MengResolved
MinorBugSPARK-7039JdbcRdd doesn't support java.sql.Types.NVARCHARShuai ZhengResolved
MinorDocumentationSPARK-7084Improve the saveAsTable documentationmadhukara phatakResolved
MinorImprovementSPARK-7323Use insertAll instead of individual insert while merging combinersMridul MuralidharanResolved
MinorBugSPARK-7522ML Examples option for dataFormat should not be enclosed in angle bracketsBryan CutlerResolved
MinorBugSPARK-7651PySpark GMM predict, predictSoft should fail on bad inputMeethu MathewResolved
MinorImprovementSPARK-7744"Distributed matrix" section in MLlib "Data Types" documentation should be reordered.Mike DusenberryResolved
MinorBugSPARK-8098Show correct length of bytes on log pageCarson WangResolved
MinorImprovementSPARK-8126Use temp directory under build dir for unit testsMarcelo Masiero VanzinResolved
MinorBugSPARK-8400ml.ALS doesn't handle -1 block sizeBryan CutlerResolved
MinorBugSPARK-8525Bug in Streaming k-means documentationOleksiy DyagilevResolved
MinorTestSPARK-8541sumApprox and meanApprox doctests are incorrectScott TaylorResolved
MinorBugSPARK-8865Fix bug: init SimpleConsumerConfig with kafka paramsguoweiResolved
MinorDocumentationSPARK-9198Typo in PySpark SparseVector docs (bad index)Joseph K. BradleyResolved
MinorImprovementSPARK-9507Remove dependency reduced POM hack now that shade plugin is updatedSean R. OwenResolved
MinorBugSPARK-9607Incorrect zinc check in build/mvnRyan WilliamsResolved
MinorBugSPARK-9608Incorrect zinc -status check in build/mvnRyan WilliamsResolved
MinorImprovementSPARK-9633SBT download locations outdated; need an updateSean R. OwenResolved
MinorBugSPARK-9801Spark streaming deletes the temp file and backup files without checking if they exist or notHao ZhuResolved
MinorImprovementSPARK-10354First cost RDD shouldn't be cached in k-means|| and the following cost RDD should use MEMORY_AND_DISKXiangrui MengResolved
MinorBugSPARK-10556SBT build explicitly sets Scala version, which can conflict with SBT's own scala versionAhir ReddyResolved
MinorImprovementSPARK-11813Avoid serialization of vocab in Word2Vecyuhao yangResolved
MinorBugSPARK-12363PowerIterationClustering test case failed if we deprecated KMeans.setRunsL. C. HsiehResolved
TrivialBugSPARK-6767Documentation error in Spark SQL Readme fileTijo ThomasResolved
TrivialBugSPARK-7883Fixing broken trainImplicit example in MLlib Collaborative Filtering documentation.Mike DusenberryResolved
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