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  1. Spark
  2. SPARK-9141

DataFrame recomputed instead of using cached parent.



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Blocker
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 1.4.0, 1.4.1
    • 1.5.0
    • SQL
    • Spark 1.5 release


      As I understand, DataFrame.cache() is supposed to work the same as RDD.cache(), so that repeated operations on it will use the cached results and not recompute the entire lineage. However, it seems that some DataFrame operations (e.g. withColumn) change the underlying RDD lineage so that cache doesn't work as expected.

      Below is a Scala example that demonstrates this. First, I define two UDF's that use println so that it is easy to see when they are being called. Next, I create a simple data frame with one row and two columns. Next, I add a column, cache it, and call count() to force the computation. Lastly, I add another column, cache it, and call count().

      I would have expected the last statement to only compute the last column, since everything else was cached. However, because withColumn() changes the lineage, the whole data frame is recomputed.

          // Examples udf's that println when called 
          val twice = udf { (x: Int) => println(s"Computed: twice($x)"); x * 2 } 
          val triple = udf { (x: Int) => println(s"Computed: triple($x)"); x * 3 } 
          // Initial dataset 
          val df1 = sc.parallelize(Seq(("a", 1))).toDF("name", "value") 
          // Add column by applying twice udf 
          val df2 = df1.withColumn("twice", twice($"value")) 
          df2.count() //prints Computed: twice(1) 
          // Add column by applying triple udf 
          val df3 = df2.withColumn("triple", triple($"value")) 
          df3.count() //prints Computed: twice(1)\nComputed: triple(1) 

      I found a workaround, which helped me understand what was going on behind the scenes, but doesn't seem like an ideal solution. Basically, I convert to RDD then back DataFrame, which seems to freeze the lineage. The code below shows the workaround for creating the second data frame so cache will work as expected.

          val df2 = {
            val tmp = df1.withColumn("twice", twice($"value"))
            sqlContext.createDataFrame(tmp.rdd, tmp.schema)




            marmbrus Michael Armbrust
            pnpritchard Nick Pritchard
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            10 Start watching this issue

