New Feature
Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
Languages and localization for collations are supported by ICU library. Collation naming format is as follows:
<2-letter language code>[_<4-letter script>][_<3-letter country code>][_specifier_specifier...]
Locale specifier consists of the first part of collation name (language + script + country). Locale specifiers need to be stable across ICU versions; to keep existing ids and names invariant we introduce golden file will locale table which should case CI failure on any silent changes.
Currently supported optional specifiers:
- CS/CI - case sensitivity, default is case-sensitive; supported by configuring ICU collation levels
- AS/AI - accent sensitivity; default is accent-sensitive; supported by configuring ICU collation levels
- <unspecified>/LCASE/UCASE - case conversion performed prior to comparisons; supported by internal implementation relying on ICU locale-aware conversions
User can use collation specifiers in any order except of locale which is mandatory and must go first. There is a one-to-one mapping between collation ids and collation names defined in CollationFactory.
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