You can use the following methods to reproduce the problem:
val path = "file:///tmp/test_orc"
spark.range(1).withColumnRenamed("id", "100").repartition(1).write.orc(path)
The error message is like this:
mismatched input '100' expecting {'ADD', 'AFTER'....== SQL ==
The error is actually issued by this line of code:
The specific background is that spark calls the above code in the process of converting the schema of the orc file into the catalyst schema.
// code in OrcUtils
private def toCatalystSchema(schema: TypeDescription): StructType =
Unknown macro: { CharVarcharUtils.replaceCharVarcharWithStringInSchema(CatalystSqlParser.parseDataType(schema.toString).asInstanceOf[StructType]) }
There are two solutions I currently think of:
- Modify the syntax analysis of SparkSQL to identify this kind of schema
- The TypeDescription.toString method should add the quote symbol to the numeric column name, because the following syntax is supported:
But currently TypeDescription does not support changing the UNQUOTED_NAMES variable, should we first submit a pr to the orc project to support the configuration of this variable。
How do spark members think about this issue?