Status: Resolved
Resolution: Incomplete
To reproduce, set
spark.serializer org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer
in conf/spark-defaults.conf and launch a spark shell.
Then, execute
class X() { println("What!"); def y = 3 } val x = new X import x.y case class Person(name: String, age: Int) val serializer = org.apache.spark.serializer.Serializer.getSerializer(null) val kryoSerializer = serializer.newInstance val value = kryoSerializer.serialize(Person("abc", 1)) kryoSerializer.deserialize(value): Person // Once you execute this line, you will see ... // What! // What! // res1: Person = Person(abc,1)
Basically, importing a method of a class causes the constructor of that class been called twice.
It affects our branch 1.0 and master.
For the master, you can use
val serializer = org.apache.spark.serializer.Serializer.getSerializer(None)
to get the serializer.
Issue Links
- relates to
SPARK-2632 Importing a method of class in Spark REPL causes the REPL to pulls in unnecessary stuff.
- Resolved
SPARK-7043 KryoSerializer cannot be used with REPL to interpret code in which case class definition and its shipping are in the same line
- Resolved