Currently, we have a bug when we specify `IF NOT EXISTS` in `INSERT OVERWRITE` data source tables. For example, given a query:
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE $tableName partition (b=2, c=3) IF NOT EXISTS SELECT 9, 10
we will get the following error:
unresolved operator 'InsertIntoTable Relation[a#425,d#426,b#427,c#428] parquet, Map(b -> Some(2), c -> Some(3)), true, true;; 'InsertIntoTable Relation[a#425,d#426,b#427,c#428] parquet, Map(b -> Some(2), c -> Some(3)), true, true +- Project [cast(9#423 as int) AS a#429, cast(10#424 as int) AS d#430] +- Project [9 AS 9#423, 10 AS 10#424] +- OneRowRelation$