Related to I'm not completely sure if this is a bug or expected behavior.
When you `groypBy` by a column generated inside of it, the `pivot` method apparently doesn't find this column during the analysis.
df = (sc.parallelize([(1.0, "2016-03-30 01:00:00"), (30.2, "2015-01-02 03:00:02")]) .toDF(["amount", "Date"]) .withColumn("Date", col("Date").cast("timestamp"))) (df.withColumn("hour",hour("date")) .groupBy(dayofyear("date").alias("date")) .pivot("hour").sum("amount").show())
Shows the following exception.
AnalysisException: u'resolved attribute(s) date#140688 missing from dayofyear(date)#140994,hour#140977,sum(`amount`)#140995 in operator !Aggregate [dayofyear(cast(date#140688 as date))], [dayofyear(cast(date#140688 as date)) AS dayofyear(date)#140994, pivotfirst(hour#140977, sum(`amount`)#140995, 1, 3, 0, 0) AS __pivot_sum(`amount`) AS `sum(``amount``)`#141001];'
To solve it you have to add the column date before grouping and pivoting.