I have reason to look at the tests and I'm seeing a few remnants of old/new style Solr.xml support (with and without <cores>). So far:
> SolrTestCaseJ4.copySolrHomeToTemp with a flag whether old or new style.
> solr-no-core.xml in test files. Mostly this is identical to solr.xml, here are the differences:
in solr-no-core.xml but not solr.xml
<int name="autoReplicaFailoverWaitAfterExpiration">${autoReplicaFailoverWaitAfterExpiration:10000}</int>
<int name="autoReplicaFailoverWorkLoopDelay">${autoReplicaFailoverWorkLoopDelay:10000}</int>
<int name="autoReplicaFailoverBadNodeExpiration">${autoReplicaFailoverBadNodeExpiration:60000}</int>
in solr.xml but not in solr-no-cores.xml:
<int name="leaderVoteWait">${leaderVoteWait:10000}</int>
The question here is whether moving the three properties in solr-no-cores.xml to solr.xml and using solr.xml in all the tests that currently use solr-no-cores.xml would mess up tests and whether leaderVoteWait being in solr.xml would mess up tests currently using solr-no-cores.xml.
I'll make a quick hack at this to see and we can discuss.