The concept of solrconfig editing is split into multiple pieces . This issue is about registering components and uploading binaries through an API.
This supports multiple operations
- commands 'create-requesthandler', "update-requesthandler","delete-requesthandler" which can set the configuration of a component . This configuration will be saved inside the configoverlay.json
The components has to be available in the classpath of all nodes.
example for registering a component
curl http://localhost:8983/solr/collection1/config -H 'Content-type:application/json' -d '{ "create-requesthandler" : {"name": "/mypath" , "class":"com.mycomponent.ClassName" , "defaults":{"x":"y" ," a":"b"}, "useParams":"x" }, "update-requesthandler" :{"name": "/mypath" , "class":"com.mycomponent.ClassName" , "useParams":"y" , "defaults":{"x":"y" ," a":"b"} }, "delete-requesthandler" :"/mypath" }'
Issue Links
- is duplicated by
SOLR-5641 REST API to modify request handlers
- Resolved
- is related to
SOLR-6787 API to manage blobs in Solr
- Closed
SOLR-6964 Give source of the requesthandler etc in /config endpoint
- Open
- is required by
SOLR-6801 Load RequestHandler from blob store
- Closed
- relates to
SOLR-5103 Plugin Improvements
- Open