SOLR-5057 introduced a bug in queryResultCaching such that the following circumstances can result in a false cache hit...
- identical main query in both requests
- identical number of filter queries in both requests
- filter query from one request exists multiple times in other request
- sum of hashCodes for all filter queries is equal in both request
Details of how this problem was initially uncovered listed below...
uwe's jenkins found this in java8...
[junit4] 2> NOTE: reproduce with: ant test -Dtestcase=TestFiltering -Dtests.method=testRandomFiltering -Dtests.seed=C22042E80957AE3E -Dtests.multiplier=3 -Dtests.slow=true -Dtests.locale=ar_LY -Dtests.timezone=Asia/Katmandu -Dtests.file.encoding=UTF-8 [junit4] FAILURE 16.9s J1 | TestFiltering.testRandomFiltering <<< [junit4] > Throwable #1: java.lang.AssertionError: FAILURE: iiter=11 qiter=336 request=[q, {!frange v=val_i l=0 u=1 cost=139 tag=t}, fq, {!frange v=val_i l=0 u=1}, fq, {! cost=92}-_query_:"{!frange v=val_i l=1 u=1}", fq, {!frange v=val_i l=0 u=1 cache=true tag=t}, fq, {! cache=true tag=t}-_query_:"{!frange v=val_i l=1 u=1}"] [junit4] > at __randomizedtesting.SeedInfo.seed([C22042E80957AE3E:DD43E12DEC70EE37]:0) [junit4] > at
The seed fails consistently for me on trunk using java7, and on 4x using both java7 and java6 - details to follow in comment.
Issue Links
- is broken by
SOLR-5057 queryResultCache should not related with the order of fq's list
- Closed