SOLR-86 create post.jar which eliminated the need for ... but as noticed in
SOLR-164 there are still some cases in the tutorial that require direct use of curl (deleting) and there are some nice things about that post.jar doesn't support (defaulting the URL)
this issue is to tackle some of the ideas Bertrand and I posted as a comment in SOLR-86 after it was resolved....
Bertrand Delacretaz [19/Feb/07 12:35 AM] ...
Considering the tutorial examples (, it'd be useful to allow this to POST its standard input, or the contents of a command-line parameter: ...
Hoss Man [19/Feb/07 11:50 AM]
yeah ... i think we should hardcode http://localhost:8983/solr/update with a possible override by system prop, then add either a command line switch other another system prop indicating to use the command line as filenames or as raw data, and another op for stdin.
java -jar -Ddata=files post.jar *.xml
java -jar post.jar *.xml ... data=files being the default
echo "<delete><query>name:DDR</query></delete>" | java -jar -Ddata=stdin post.jar
cat *.xml | java -jar -Ddata=stdin post.jar
java -jar -Ddata=args post.jar "<delete><query>name:DDR</query></delete>"
java -jar -Durl=http://localhost:8983/solr/update post.jar *.xml