we face problem with definition of SynonymGraphFilterFactory, when we use SimplePatternTokenizerFactory. It seem's that there is a problem, that Solr during processing schema, lose attribute tokenizerFactory.pattern.
<fieldType name="text_synonym" class="solr.TextField" > <analyzer type="index"> <tokenizer class="solr.SimplePatternTokenizerFactory" pattern="[^,]+"/> </analyzer> <analyzer type="query"> <tokenizer class="solr.SimplePatternTokenizerFactory" pattern="[^,]+"/> <filter class="solr.SynonymGraphFilterFactory" synonyms="synonyms.txt" expand="false" tokenizerFactory="solr.SimplePatternTokenizerFactory" tokenizerFactory.pattern="[^,]+" /> </analyzer> </fieldType>
We got exception like this:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Configuration Error: missing parameter 'pattern'
at org.apache.lucene.analysis.util.AbstractAnalysisFactory.require(
at org.apache.lucene.analysis.pattern.SimplePatternTokenizerFactory.<init>(
... 58 more
We debug this issue and we found that problem is at this method which are called more than once:
// (there are no tests for this functionality) private TokenizerFactory loadTokenizerFactory(ResourceLoader loader, String cname) throws IOException { Class<? extends TokenizerFactory> clazz = loader.findClass(cname, TokenizerFactory.class); try { TokenizerFactory tokFactory = clazz.getConstructor(Map.class).newInstance(tokArgs); if (tokFactory instanceof ResourceLoaderAware) { ((ResourceLoaderAware) tokFactory).inform(loader); } return tokFactory; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
In a first step argument tokArgs was cleared. And in second step, Solr reports missing param pattern.
We did some workaround like this:
TokenizerFactory tokFactory = clazz.getConstructor(Map.class).newInstance(new HashMap<>(tokArgs))
, which creates for each call new map from tokArgs, which could be cleared. But I think, that for this issue will exist better solution, then creating copy of tokArgs map.
After that we can run filter, mentioned above, without problems.