while working on SOLR-10425, i noticed that schema-point.xml, after defining many dynamicFields with docValues="true" (and no explicit mention of useDocValuesAsStored, then has a section with this comment...
<!-- return DV fields as --> <dynamicField name="*_p_i_dv_ns" type="pint" indexed="true" stored="false" docValues="true" useDocValuesAsStored="true"/> <dynamicField name="*_p_l_dv_ns" type="plong" indexed="true" stored="false" docValues="true" useDocValuesAsStored="true"/> ...
The problem with this is that the schema version=1.6, so useDocValuesAsStored="true" is already the implicit default for all of the other docValue field types defined in this schema – making me skeptical of the efficacy of this test and any assumptions it has about wether useDocValuesAsStored is working properly (see also SOLR-10437)
So we need to audit/clean-up this schema/test up to ensure that the effective value of useDocValuesAsStored is true if and only if the test code expects it to be true.
Issue Links
- relates to
SOLR-10437 Improve test coverage of useDocValuesAsStored=false
- Closed