Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
This is a proposal to modify the Maven build configuration as below:
- Merge the sis-parent/pom.xml file with the root pom.xml file, for simplifying a little bit the system.
- Upgrade the org.apache.apache parent from version 7 to version 10.
- Add a <pluginManagement> section for the missing declaration of plugins version, namely maven-javadoc-plugin, maven-jxr-plugin, maven-surefire-report-plugin and maven-pmd-plugin. This would resolve the warnings at building time.
- Move the version declaration of maven-bundle-plugin (currently repeated in every modules) to the above cited <pluginManagement> section.
Move the <reporting> section, which is now deprecated, to the <configuration> section of the maven-site-plugin plugin.- Configure the javadoc plugin: links to external API, custom tags, overview page, package grouping.
- Provide style sheet for the javadoc and the web site.
The new build configuration needs to provide at least the functionality working in the current configuration for the following goals: compile, test, install, site, deploy and release. I don't know however how to test the release goal without performing a real release.