As Hive (and other Apache Engines) is capable of having storage in the AWS/S3, Sentry should be able to secure URIs with S3 schema. Basic workflow could be create an external table with location pointing to S3:
1. sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs ${S3} -mkdir -p s3a://sentry-s3/cdh-sentry/db/tbl
2. CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE my_s3_table (viewTime INT, userid BIGINT, page_url STRING, referrer_url STRING, ip STRING COMMENT 'IP Address of the User', country STRING COMMENT 'country of origination') COMMENT 'This is the staging page view table' ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\054' STORED AS TEXTFILE LOCATION 's3a://sentry-s3/cdh-sentry/db/tbl'; (show create table page_view shows the location points to s3a)
3. insert into table my_s3_table values (1, 1001, 'test_url', 'reference_url', '', 'us'); (sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs ${S3} -cat s3a://sentry-s3/cdh-sentry/db/tbl/000000_0 shows the data is successfully created in s3a file 000000: 1,1001,test_url,reference_url,,us);
4. Sentry is able to grant URI privilege on ‘s3a://sentry-s3/cdh-sentry/db/tbl’, Without URI privilege, Sentry throws exception such as, “User systest does not have privileges for CREATETABLE; The required privileges: Server=server1->URI=s3a://sentry-s3/cdh-sentry/db/tbl->action=*; (state=42000,code=40000)”
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