An average AppVeyor test run produces 16k lines of logs (written by tests themselves). Very few of them have any value in indication of test success or failure. Several offenders which catch my eye are:
- Log level is verbose. I'm not sure we need it in default test runs.
- INFO: try open .\REEF_LOCAL_RUNTIMEe25631b8\reef-BroadcastReduceDriver-20160411174216287\driver\DriverHttpEndpoint.txt followed by INFO: File does not exist: .\REEF_LOCAL_RUNTIMEe25631b8\reef-BroadcastReduceDriver-20160411174216287\driver\DriverHttpEndpoint.txt - over a 100 entries, caused by retries to read this file while it's unavailable.
- GetLogFile - 10-20 entries per ReefFunctionalTest just to indicate that the test is trying to read a log.
- several logs which log progress of typical events have log level INFO while it should be VERBOSE.