In order to support pretty URLS and bookmarking, a URL to page feature should be implemented. These urls should also be used by search spiders and internal search engines.
The technical URL: http://localhost:8080/peregrineserver/app/page/view/21 to the "Contact" page
could be mapped to the pretty URL: http://localhost:8080/peregrineserver/contact-us (english) or http://localhost:8080/peregrineserver/Kontakt (german)
A recursive structure like:
<url-mapping page="contactPageId" label="urlmapping_contact">
<url-mapping page="jobsPageId" label="urlmapping_contact_jobs"/>
where "urlmapping_contact" is a property from a NSL resource file like
urlmapping_contact = contact
urlmapping_contact_jobs = jobs
could be used. There are of course various ways to do this and prob even libraries to do it.