Status: Closed
Resolution: Won't Fix
Windows WCF
The WCF sample called "WCFToWCFPubSub" does not use actual AMQP topic routing and therefore is not an accurate illustration of the publication-subscription pattern.
The environment in which this was tested was: Two instances of Topic_Consumer and a single instance of Topic_Producer running. The producer sends ten messages and the two consumers receive a subset (partition of the set) of the messages. This is actually using a shared queue and balancing the traffic between the two consumers, not broadcasting the messages equally to the two consumers as it should.
Another, more fundamental, problem is that the message transfer is layered on top of a remote procedure call handled by a service associated with the consumer. This is why this code example balances the sent messages. It is only possible for an RPC to be handled by a single server.
RPC is not appropriate for pub-sub since the producer doesn't know, when it produces, how many consumers, if any, there are for each produced message.